Someone’s Missing

Bench at park we used to go to with Mom

Bench at park we used to go to with Mom

It’s been years without her presence.

The intensity of the pain has lessened. It’s now more like an achiness; a bundle of bitter-sweet memories.

I guess the bitter piece is the reality that her physical presence is no longer here. The sweet side is having been blessed with such a presence and layers of loving memories. 

Maintaining a balance to remember them and keep them close to our hearts without crumbling, is tricky. It comes & goes in waves. 

I have experienced that leaning towards the sweetness, feels right. I know, for sure, that Mom would’ve wanted it that way. 

So here’s to those who are no longer “here” but Are.

Dawn Rivera

Nurse, coach, nutrition practitioner committed to supporting caregivers to maintain their well-being while enhancing their loved ones' quality of life.

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