Caregiver Isolation
The caregiver role often leaves little room for any other roles or for you. It can create distance between you and the rest of the world. You feel isolated and trapped.
Let’s change this up
Reconnect with the world!
Yes, it’s easier said than done, but grab hold before you start losing yourself. I’ve been there and it’s a tough road back.
Get back in touch with what you like to do! You know, like… fun? Meet a friend for coffee or a hang?
I could make a mean doctor’s appointment but socially engaging chat?…
Initially awkward but with practice, you’ll get the hang again.Feeling a little guilty about that?
This was me and probably some of you… dump the I’m-Everything-to-Everyone-Savior. It doesn’t serve you or your loved one. Attempts to fill unrealistic expectations can kill; on all levels (physically, mentally & spiritually).
Schedule something to “get away”; whether it’s a bubble bath or a cruise. Put it on your calendar (like your loved-ones doctors’ appointments) and it’s nonnegotiable (like their AM meds).
See where I’m going with this? You too, are a priority.BUT who’s going to caregive?
^Back to #2. This is where you start delegating what others can do.
Where your loved-one has to accept that this isn’t a one man/woman show.
I know, there’s so much to consider; available support system, resources, finances… Do what you can.Find your tribe…
Oneline Caregiver Support Group
It’s online; making it convenient for your busy schedules.
Multiple times and days. More flexibility as our tribe grows.
AND it’s Free!