Fun times

I know. FUN?! What’s that?

It’s an important part of life we shouldn’t give up on.

Just “a few” 😉 ideas to balance out your caregiver experience and to have some “fun” (yes I said it; the f-word again) with your loved-one. Keep an open mind.

Here goes:

♟️Board and card games

Which can stimulate the mind. You can go for the classics like Monopoly, Scrabble, or others

🧩 Puzzles

A relaxing way to bond and encourages teamwork.

🥘 Cooking together

I wish I did this more and made note of those recipes. A pinch or pour, here and there. So hard to get a recipe from them! No measurements 🤦🏽‍♀️

👨‍🌾 Gardening

I “heard” it’s therapeutic. (Bug-phobia 😬) The fresh air and sunshine could do wonders.

📺 Movie or TV marathon

Pick a theme and binge together. Cozy blankets and popcorn for a full cinema experience. Fav!

🧶Crafting and DIY projects

Do some crafting like painting, knitting, or scrapbooking. Spark their creativity, a sense of accomplishment and create keepsakes.

🧑‍🧑‍🧒 Storytelling sessions

Share stories from your childhood or encourage them to recall memorable experiences. Strengthens family bonds, preserves traditions and gives them a chance to be heard.

🥾Nature walks

Enjoy the outdoors, change of scenery and nature itself benefits both physical and mental health.

🎵 Music and Dance

Play music from their favorite era and have a little dance party. Music therapy can be uplifting and brings back joyful memories.

🖥️ Virtual tours

If mobility is an issue, enjoy virtual tours of famous museums or landmarks together. New experiences from the comfort of home.

🧘🏽‍♀️ Exercise classes

Participate in senior-friendly exercise classes like yoga or tai chi. Gentle exercise is great for maintaining health and well-being.

📷 Photography outing

Go on a photography adventure, capturing nature or family moments. This can be a fun way to express creativity and relive sweet memories.

Get creative and allow this often overlooked act back into your life. It definitely helps lighten the weight.

Dawn Rivera

Nurse, coach, nutrition practitioner committed to supporting caregivers to maintain their well-being while enhancing their loved ones' quality of life.

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