*Inflammation is ignited by the innate wisdom of our immune system. It is the body’s response to protect & combat foreign entities (ie. virus, bacteria, non-food…).
The five signs below are characteristic of the immune system's inflammatory response, which aims to eliminate harmful stimuli and begin the healing process.
swelling, warmth, redness, pain, and decreased function
Remember these. You’ll later see how this normal response translates into serious issues when kicked into overdrive
The normal response is a good thing when there’s an acute (short-term) event; such as a wound or a cold.
But what happens when it is constantly bombarded by foreigners?
The ongoing response can create a chronic situation, which can show up like below (lots of similarities to the normal immune response I mentioned above)…
Chronic Inflammation Symptoms
Achiness and pain: especially to joints and muscles
Joint pain and swelling: may lead to inflammatory arthritis
General puffiness and swelling
Fatigue: even after a good sleep, dragging
Brain fog: not as sharp, dull memory, mentally tired
Persistent headaches
Mood disorders: depression, anxiety, and irritability
Digestive issues: bloating, constipation, diarrhea, belly discomfort
High blood pressure: inflamed cardiovascular system (inflammation/swelling/pressure)
Allergies and Asthma: increased sensitivity to allergens
Frequent infections: immune system is overwhelmed and weakened
Skin problems: rashes, acne, eczema, and other skin irritations
There’s also what we may be unknowingly experiencing: eg. internal inflammation of blood vessels, organs…
This chronic state can get to a point where it starts to damage tissues (eg. leaky gut) and/or becomes hyper-vigilant to the point of attacking us (eg. autoimmune conditions).
It may lead to:
Cardiovascular Disease: Chronic inflammation can cause the buildup of plaque in arteries, leading to heart attacks or strokes. Remember high blood pressure symptom above?
Autoimmune Diseases: Conditions like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis are driven by persistent inflammation (hyper-vigilant immune system may be a factor).
Cancer: Prolonged inflammation can promote the growth of tumors by damaging DNA and stimulating cell proliferation.
Type 2 Diabetes: Inflammation can interfere with insulin signaling, leading to insulin resistance and eventually diabetes.
Neurodegenerative Diseases: Inflammation in the brain is linked to conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
Leaky gut: also known as increased intestinal permeability, occurs when the lining of the small intestine becomes damaged, allowing undigested food particles, toxins, and bacteria (foreign entities to the bloodstream) to "leak" through the gut wall into the bloodstream.
So what now?
First, check with your doctor. FYI: these symptoms can be considered vague and be signs of many conditions. Patients often find themselves being bounced around from doctor to doctor because no one can figure out what is really going on.
Meanwhile, you can also do your part…
a very long story short, consider a Lifestyle adjustment
I often see where many would rather take the
pill or treatment for symptom management. The issue remains.
You can put a lid on it (symptom management)
But the heat (root-cause) remains and what’s inside will eventually boil over… again
Change often involves some degree of discomfort, but …
it’s temporary
with consistency, you’ll rewire and enjoy your new regimen
the benefits gained are priceless (quality of life, true issues addressed)
Lifestyle adjustment
Whole, anti-inflammatory foods (my focus, as a functional nutrition practitioner)
Avoid processed (non-) foods
Get moving (on the regular)
Manage your perspective (to minimize stress)
Take time to decompress
Good sleep hygiene
There’s more. But we’ll start here
Keep an eye out, for when I share details about each
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